March 23, 2006

For one thing, the raisin bran is a bit chewy

Slate asks, Is Whole Foods Wholesome? Well, not just because it says it is.

I actually just went to my first Whole Foods Megasuperstore while I was in Austin. The national headquarters is there, I think, and boy, was it an experience. I must say the pasta I got in the to-go section ended up being very good, but on the way out I got a bit of a shock.

Going down to the parking garage is a sloped, not stepped, escalator that allows you to bring your cart right down with you. The "cool" part is that the wheels are magnetized so that the carts do not become giant battering rams to all the people in front of it. There is, after all, nothing worse than a shopping cart full of overpriced foodstuffs hurtling at your ass. Anyway, my friends and I were remarking about this and the guy behind us told me that the wheels cost $50 each. But the savings on those puppies is passed directly onto the small farmer, I'm sure.

$50 each. You could probably buy, oh, three watermelons with that.

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